Cuboro Riddles - Free Online Game

Cuboro Riddles presents experienced Cuboro fans and new players with a series of tricky puzzles in realistic 3D! With Cuboro Riddles you can build marble runs and solve puzzles at the same time, it promotes spatial thinking and is simply fun!

How to Play Cuboro Riddles
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Cuboro Riddles - The Puzzle Game

As with the famous cuboro marble run system, in Cuboro Riddles you use wooden blocks correctly to create functioning marble run systems. The former cuboro building block system was invented in 1976/77 by Matthias Etter from Switzerland. Meanwhile, there are many versions and variants for different platforms. With our Cuboro Riddles you can experience the original cuboro game principle with exciting level content.


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How to Play Cuboro Riddles

The aim of this game is to correctly assemble the different wooden blocks to create a fully functional marble run. The wooden blocks with straight and curved channels allow the ball to roll both outwards and inwards. Find a way to make the marble run as simple as possible or use up all the available wooden blocks. Cuboro Riddles offers you fun with 20 tricky marble run puzzles and different level goals to complete. Use your creative and spatial thinking to guide the ball from the drop to the end of the track.

In Cuboro Riddles, 20 tricky puzzles await you: build winding marble tracks with up to 76 blocks in total, find the optimal building style and crack the 3-star rating in each level! The famous Cuboro© system has been around for more than 25 years. Now Cuboro© & kr3m. media GmbH are collaborating to create the first Cuboro© game for desktop, smartphones and tablets.


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